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As societies and cultures have advanced in modern times, we have developed a great deal of artifacts, waste, and have all but depleted our natural recourses. Simultaneously, the digital has become our medium for social interactions and information. We hoard our digital footprints, collecting information like the strata of the earth. But digital strata is not for free and it is not as ephemeral as we think.
The juxtaposition between the digital, human, and plant-life in a harmonious entity creates an interesting ecosystem that is inherently post-human. One where the physical and digital properties collide to create an experiential understanding of what it is to live in the post-anthropocene.
This data center takes the physical properties of servers and harness them to create more physical responses. By moving the data center servers underground, we can begin use the data-strata as the source of energy for a greenhouse. In contrast, we take pools of water and use them to help control the system temperatures. The cohabitation between human and non-human is symbiotic in nature. We see this data center as a farm, utilizing familiar shapes and forms that express themselves on the exterior as curated grasses and pools. Programmatically we begin to segment and collect areas into the landscape as pockets of space that can be utilized for training, research, and expanding space as needed as a reaction to our exuberant collection of data.